Week 12 Part 1

After reviewing the lecture, I think my business could benefit from using LinkedIn and starting a podcast which would be streamed on YouTube, Apple Podcasts, and Spotify.


I currently have a LinkedIn page, but  I hadn't updated it in over a year. I went onto my LinkedIn page and updated my bio, profile photo, job experience, and skills. I also have a stack of business cards from people in my industry who I have met at networking events, and I am going to search each person on LinkedIn to connect. In the future, I am going to connect on LinkedIn with brand partners or creators I meet to maintain the relationship. 


Starting a podcast would be a great way to connect with my viewers on a deeper and more personal level. I would like to launch a video podcast on YouTube, as well as having the audio version on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. I'd like to post weekly episodes featuring myself and a co-host, as well as having guests. My guests would be empowering women who are making a difference online (social media creators, entrepreneurs, activists ect).
